What I wish I'd known before having children
Fleet family photographer
If you’re already a parent, you’ll know that no matter how much you research into having children, NOTHING will ever fully prepare you for what’s to come.
If you’re yet to become a parent but think you know what lies ahead, think again! You don’t! You have no idea! haha

I thought it would be funny to ask fellow parents what the one thing is they wish they’d known before having children AKA if someone could have warned them about something in particular, what would it be?
I’ve even included one of my own….I won’t highlight which one specifically, but if you know me well you’ll know! 😉
Happy reading!

- Before having kids, never complain about being tired – you’re absolutely not!
- You will never pee (or poo) alone again!
- Your vagina isn’t the only thing that can tear!
- Never agree to sniff your child’s finger, especially if they’ve been suffering from an ‘itchy bottom’!
- Ear plugs are essential to block out the constant cries of “Mummmmmyyyyy”
- Three is two children too many!
- Lower your expectations….like, a lot!!
- No-one tells you to think beyond the baby months – the pre-school years are intense!
- You will learn to love coffee!
- They’ll have a cold constantly and a tummy bug at least once a month….which you will then also catch!
- Childcare costs are a joke!
- Babies don’t want to be put down but that’s OK / totally normal!
- Sleep/rest as much as you can whilst pregnant, because once that baby comes you will be “hella tired!”
- Don’t read the books – they don’t have a ‘what to do when your baby won’t sleep’ section!
- Babies don’t just go to sleep when they are tired!
- Kids are tw*ts!
- Baby brain never goes away!
- They don’t sleep properly for years – it’s not just the first year that’s tough!
- The more babies you have, the worse the retraction of your uterus is!
- When you’ve changed the nappy and think you should be fine for a little while….think again!
- Repetition of swear words comes at an earlier age than potty training!
- You’ll fall in love with the little things like the smell of their head and cheesy feet!
- Kids will eat their own poo….and not even flinch about it either!
- What worked well with you first child won’t necessarily work with subsequent children!
- Mums of boys, be prepared for the question ‘Why don’t you have a willy?’
- Wrinkly belly skin is a thing, no matter how toned you were pre-children.
- It’s called a family bathroom because the whole family will be in there while you’re trying to go to the loo!
- Time speeds up at a scarily fast pace, which also means you age!
- At some point you will use your hands to catch bodily fluids that don’t belong to you!
- Baby blues – that hormone crash that comes a few days after giving birth!
- When you sneeze you need to cross your legs…and don’t even think about going on a trampoline!
- It goes by too fast…..have all the cuddles! <3